Furniture Catalog

Project description: I created this application as a part of my Java Applications Development module for my first year of Computer science, the objective of this assigment was to design, implement and test a prototype application for the Real Office Furniture Company(ROFC). The application will allow staff members of the ROFC to record details of individual orders that have been succesffuly made within the company.

1. Login Screen

As per the requirements of the application it meant that a login screen was necessary to access the furniture catalog screen, the options allowed already existing users to use their unique user ID to login to the system, this obviously isn’t the most secure method of logging in but due to time constraints with the assigment i felt this was the easiest way of demonstrating the login details being read to allow access.

2. Catalog Screen

The catalog screen is used to show all the items that the user has selected to buy, the screen is populated with buttons to add a desk, chair, or table. Each option will open a new gui screen and ask the user the how they would like their piece of furniture to be built, options such as type of wood, type of base, and size are avaliable as well as a few more that fit the companys stock.

3. Populated Catalog

As said previously the catalog screen allows the user to see what they have added to their shopping basket, of course the current program doesn’t have an option to checkout but if implemented for a real company then this option would be avaliable for the user. The following example shows off the entry of a new table order, once all the fields have been entered the new order details will be sent to the connected database this allows the company to keep track of all the orders that have been placed.

4. Customer Details Database

With this project i was requied to make a link between a database and the program, the database consists of all new customer login details and this allows the returning user button to check the user ID of the user and allow them to succesfully login if the check is succesful. As well as customer details the database also allows all furniture orders to be recorded for the company to look at for reference in the future or just to see what orders need to be focused on.