Project description: As a part of my Java Programming module in year 1 i was required to make a program for a small communications company that required a telephone contract manager to demonstrate key features, these key features were included in the packages that the company was providing to it’s users. The program would ask the user multiple questions to tailor the contract to their needs, this would include things such as data package, data bundle, contract length etc.
The main menu of this project consists of many options for the user to select from, it allows the user to enter a new contract into the connected text file as well as this it gives oppurtunities for the user to display any contracts that have already been made with each option being more specific to month or even just the lettering of the customers ID, this is done by reading the same file that the new contract was assigned too.
The new contract option allows the user to input many fields of data all of which is directly assigned to the contracts text file, the usage of a text file is quite basic but with the given time for the assignment i felt it necessary to use this method if given more time i would’ve set up a database and assigned each input to the relevant field in the table.
The display contract options allows the user to enter a keyword to display a specific contract, in the following example i have used the second name Lucas and this allows the program to search the text file for all contracts with the second name and output the contracts accordingly.